I reckon it was Kim’s headpiece. What was that all about?
I’ve held off on blogging about the Kardashians, but there’s only so much restraint one person can show when faced with such phenomenal material. I mean, what’s a girl to do?
Obviously, of the eleventy-billion blog posts that will be published about this Kim Kardashian’s impending divorce, mine will be the most relevant, pithy, in-depth analysis, given that I am about to graduate with honours in Kardashian Studies.
I have no explanation for my fascination with the Kardashians. Maybe it’s the sister thing? Dunno. But I can’t get enough of them.
I think Khloe is hilarious. I think she’s smarter than anyone gives her credit for. I love that she swears like a wharfie and I think she and Lamar will last forever. Because obviously I’d know.
I think Kourtney is gorgeous but insane for staying with Scott after he went all crazy-town in Miami. Having said that, I am ashamed to admit I think Scott is, umm, not unattractive, in a preppy, wankery, arseholey way.
I want to crawl through the teev and cut Mason’s rats-tail off with my kitchen scissors.
I think Rob needs to get a job and grow his hair, but if I was him I’d be mooching off Khloe and Lamar as well.
I would LOVE to have Kris’ (their Mum Mom’s) office. It’s a whole lot of pretty. But I want to smack her a lot of the time. Not for her obsessive focus on making bazillions out of her kids. As long as they’re all happy to go along with it, why not? (And if they didn’t, it would totally halve my TV-viewing options when I’m ironing. Assuming the Real Housewives kicked on.)
I want to smack Kris because she’s so mean to Bruce! Seriously, the man is a saint. A saint with a very ordinary facelift and weird hair, but a saint nonetheless.
And then there’s Kim. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say – could she be any more beautiful? And honestly, anyone who can pull off a bubble-butt like she does – and make a motza doing it – deserves some sort of respect.
And then there’s The Wedding. God I loved it. I mean, I’d never want a wedding like that. Oh, who am I kidding. I would totally want a wedding like that. In another life. But without Kris. Because what a fuckwit.
The romantic in me is desperate to believe that the wedding wasn’t just about money or ratings. Call me delusional (do it nicely though, because I’m fragile and needy) but I find it so hard to believe that anyone could put themselves through something like that. I mean, it’s not as if they’re ferreting about under the car seats looking for enough change for a medium cheeseburger meal. No, that’d be me.
Kim (and her taller, dopier half) are rolling in it. Sure, Kris doesn’t have as much coin as Kim. But if he flogs that ring on Ebay, the prenup probably won’t hurt as much.
So if it wasn’t for money (which we can all agree I’ve established above), why? For the love of God, why did she marry him?? In the interests of balanced reporting, I’ve put together a brief list of why she SHOULDN’T have married him:
1. He’s a dickhead.
2. The moustache. Nothing good was ever come of Kris saying “I grew it so that I could have control over one thing in this wedding”. And then he shaved it off. So that worked out well.
3. He wanted his dogs to sleep on Kim’s bed. Now I know lots of people do this (including my sister, but that’s because her dog is so black she can’t find him at night unless she’s on her bed). But Kim made it very clear that she didn’t want the dogs on her bed, and a decent bloke would capitulate.
4. He was kind of creepy-looking. Not as ugly as a hat-full of bums, but sort of like a hairless caveman.
5. He had no respect for Kim’s sisters. Seriously Kris? Are you you completely mental? It’s one thing to suck up to the future parents-in-law, but it’s a whole ‘nother thing to get on the wrong side of the sisters. After years of research (6 seasons of Keeping Up With the Kardashians), and now knowing Khloe and Kourtney as I do, for Kris to piss them off so spectacularly, and so regularly, he must be as dumb as a bag of hammers.
OK, so why DID she marry him?
Well, she wouldn’t be the first girl to fall in stupid, irrational love and, despite all evidence to the contrary, genuinely believe it would last forever.
She wouldn’t be the first girl who wanted something so much she convinced herself it was perfect.
Rather than believing it was all for the money, I’d rather believe it was because she still wasn’t over Reggie Bush.
And because the headpiece was stupid.